About the SPB blog

Welcome to my blog designed to provide you with strategies for how to excel as a selling and management professional. It has taken me over a decade of research, development and field testing to develop some of the strategies that will be used to fill the gaps that currently exist in traditional sales training programs. […]

Management Training – Closing the Gap between Corporate Speak, Practical App & the Results You Actually Get!

Process improvement programs from TQM, to EDGE, to EXCEL, to CEE & more…all these acronyms represent the manufacturers’ commitment to proactively impact the customer experience across their diverse distribution channels. The objective for all is the same; implement systems & processes that will equip their dealers with tools and strategies, which they will in turn, […]

About Kurtis Smith

Hey there, my name is Kurtis Smith and I’m just an extremely passionate kindred spirit that loves helping others reach their full potential. Don’t get me wrong I am not perfect, and consider myself still a work in progress; however over the past two decades I have developed and perfected strategies for how to build […]