Hey there, my name is Kurtis Smith and I’m just an extremely passionate kindred spirit that loves helping others reach their full potential. Don’t get me wrong I am not perfect, and consider myself still a work in progress; however over the past two decades I have developed and perfected strategies for how to build a solid and successful sales practice. This has become my personal obsession and mission, and that is what I will be sharing with you in this blog. I have the honor of being married to my bride Dianne for over 25 years and have two amazing sons, Justin and Jordan. I also have a cat named Lilly and recently lost my beloved dog, Kwanza. I love my mother, debate constantly with my father, love to cook and I am terrible at golf.

“What you cannot Define you cannot Reproduce; What you cannot Reproduce you cannot Measure; What you cannot Measure you cannot Control or Manage”
Kurtis Smith
I am not a guru or interested in being one. I am just fanatical about helping people reach their full potential. If there is one thing I would like to get through to my fellow sales professionals is this: they are in business for themselves just not by themselves. Let that simmer for a minute, I promise you, it’ll sink in. I believe that anyone is capable of excelling at their craft if they are first taught correctly and have a plan of action to then execute. My passion & conviction comes from being told that I wasn’t worth more than $26,500/year as a restaurant manager, to accepting a position selling Acura automobiles where I made $50K in my first six months! My drive as a trainer, coach and consultant comes from my intense search for solid process based training strategies that anyone can access, but not being able to find it.
I wanted training for the people that I led, and when all I found was the same old repackaged material, I decided to go back to the drawing board and build it. I figured since there was no template or standard to follow… why not create one? I designed and built the Professional Standards for Sales Excellence training curriculum, a comprehensive library of courses built from the ground up to teach selling professionals how to Build, Maintain and Manage their sales practice, or as I like to call it, their book of business. The focus of this body of work is to teach professionals the specific core skills and processes that they must know to be effective at the different tasks they engage in daily to do their jobs. You see, what I have observed and learned is that if you do not know the specific skills that the tasks requires, then it does not matter if you know the process because you will always do it wrong!
My strategies are not secrets; they are simply a set of original processes and frameworks along with time-tested skills that form my K-Method process wheel, which delivers the strategies that every selling professional must know to be effective at their jobs, daily. Trust me, you will never get any hard sell from me or training courses filled with fluff. I offer you meat and potatoes, real content that you can use now to build your business. What a concept huh? Thanks again for taking the time to read this and so with that being said…pack your bags and let’s get started. Blessings!